The Tongariro Crossing

This isn't about hype.  This is about fear.  How steep is this thing going to be?  Am I going to have to do some rock scrambling (being on all fours)?  Will I be walking along edges of cliffs?  How easily is it going to be for me to fall?  I had heard from hostelmates that they saw 7 year olds do this thing.  I had read from others that it was incredibly dangerous and rocks fall and can hit you on the head and then you have to be helicoptered to the hospital (credits to Party K from Tulum).   The hike is 19 km.  What I encountered was a challenging day where I felt like I was walking along the landscape of Mars, without needing a breathing apparatus.  There were moments where I was scared and trembling a bit.  Thankfully, it was not really as scary as I had envisioned and it required no actual rock climbing or scrambling...

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