
I had to make some real choices when I was in Mérida and the Yucatan.  There are so many day trips available from these cities.  Many of them are two hours travel in each direction.  I also did not want to buy into hype about destinations that backpackers talked about like a paradise (see future post about San Cristóbal De Las Casas), especially when TripAdvisor can offer a wide range of realism.  For a day of beautiful nature, I chose Celestun (after doing my research)…

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A cenote is a natural sinkhole filled with water.  The Mayans used to throw people in them for human sacrifice.  Today, they are destinations for swimming.  Many archaeological ruins have an adjacent cenote because the civilizations viewed cenotes as holy.  I was really looking forward to experiencing swimming in cenotes as part of my travel experience in the Yucatan.  The photos on the Internet excited me.  I put cenotes into the three categories…

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The Mayan Ruins of Chichen Itza, Ek Balam, Uxmal & Dzibilchaltun

I love archaeology mostly because I am an emotional person. When I see what is left of these great civilizations of the past, I feel things. In the case of the Mayan ruins and the Teotihucan site, these sites were not conquered as far as we know. These sites were abandoned.  We have theories as to why but we may never really know why they were deserted. I think there is something about the abandonment of these sites that resonates with me because of the stories of my grandparents who fled WWII Europe.  When their neighbors turned on them, words that the Nazi Army was getting closer, there were signs that leaving everything behind may be the best solution for survival.  I do wonder when I visit these sites if perhaps there was an eminent invasion and perhaps for the sake of the lineage, it made more sense to take what you can and leave quickly…

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Oh, Mérida, what are you going to do as you grow?  You are based on the ruins of a Mayan city, and you have a rich cultural heritage but you are growing and sprawling beyond your city limits without increasing density.  The sprawl affects your quality of life and chokes local streets.  Buses run through tight corridors with carcinogenic black smoke.  Sidewalks are dangerously narrow offering no pedestrian refuge when scaffolding is up (and there is plenty of scaffolding)…

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Isla Holbox

A somewhat remote island exists north of Cancun. Isla Mujeres, the significantly developed and touristic utopia, this is not. Holbox, pronounced “hole-bosh”, has roads of sand only.  It appears dirt-like but alas it is sand.  There are no cars, as advertised, but the “golf carts” are damn powerful and many people ride large ATVs which might as well be pick up trucks.  This ain’t no Fire Island Pines, kids…

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