
I would lay there tossing and turning all night. The noise from outside was so incredibly loud that earplugs and putting my head under the pillow simply did not work. I tried sleeping in the lounge of the hostel and the worker came to wake me up and tell me I couldn’t be there. We got into a mini-argument about how helpless we all are from the noise situation. The plan was to take the train to Jozefow the next day.  I wanted to be well-rested and alert. I was pretty nervous about the whole thing. I wasn’t even sure Jozefow had a train station…

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Torun & Wroclaw

I used Torun as a transfer point between Gdansk and Wroclaw. I did not want to spend all day on a train and Lonely Planet recommended Torun on its Poland itinerary. I arrived in the bus station on a rather gloomy late afternoon. I would be staying in the hostel located, incredibly, in the train station…

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