Why I'm Doing This

I've been repairing computers since I was around 11 years old.  After we got our first 386DX 25MHz IBM-Compatible PC when I was in the fourth grade, I quickly became at one with the machine.  Cousin Jeff and I would talk about computers at family gatherings.  I never thought it was weird to be talking to an adult about such complicated topics when I was 9 or 10.  I was mostly concerned that he would find me annoying (or that other people around us would).  Dad also inspired me to study computer science.  When Cousin Mark let us "borrow" some DOS games and I wondered if we could copy the data on the floppy disks so we could eventually return these games, Dad asked a coworker how one would go about doing that.  I woke up one morning to a note on the kitchen counter, right next to my brown lunch bag…

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